Chapter IV-4. Add Collections to a Workspace

(version 1.5)

Add Collections to a Workspace: Collections are added to a workspace from the Collections tab of Collection/Specimen display or from the Collections tab of the Search Results display. They cannot be added from Collection Detail display which shows all data fields for one collection. If you are on the Collection Data tab of the Collection Detail display, click the Collections tab in the top row of tabs, and select the collections there. That tab includes the workspace list and "Save to Workspace" button to add the collections to a workspace.

  1. Click the individual check box in front of each collection to select the collections desired, or click the "Select all records." check box at the bottom of the Collections tab to select all the individual check boxes. If you want seven out of ten collections, the easiest way to select the collections is to select all, then un-select the ones you do not want.

  2. Click the down arrow on the right of the workspace drop-down list to see your workspaces.

  3. Click the workspace in the list to which you want to add the collections.

  4. Click the "Save to Workspace" button.

The following message id displayed on the Collections tab of the Collection/Specimen display when the process is complete, identifying how many collections were added to the workspace.

The selected collections now show up on the Collections tab of the Workspace display.


Only the collections displayed on the Collections tab are added by "Select all records." To add a second page of collections, you need to click the next page or "2," wait for the collections to be displayed, select all records and click the "Save to Workspace" button again. The other option is to use "(List All)" control to the right of the paging control to place all collections on the one page, select all and save to workspace.


The workspace you select stays selected for the duration of your session or until you select another workspace.