Chapter II-9. Using The Advanced Search

(version 1.5)

The Advanced Search allows you to select values from lists provided or enter partial names or terms to search the Atrium collections. It also provides the ability to use several fields to narrow the results that the search returns. For example, a date range for the Date of Collection can be combined with a project name or region name in one request. This saves one step from the technique of browsing by project and then using the filters to remove all collections not occurring in the date range of interest. See Chapter II-10, Reducing The Collection List Using Filters for more information on using filters. The Advanced Search also allows you to begin the search with a family and refine the search further by genus or genus and species before retrieving the collection data.

This is the Advanced Search panel as it appears when it opens from the Digital Herbarium navigation bar:

Figure II-9.1. Advanced Search: Appearance When First Opened

Advanced Search: Appearance When First Opened

An explanation of the use of each of the search fields follows.

Search Text: The "Search Text" searches the text of the collections for the word or phrase you type in the data entry field. This is the same as using the "Quick Search Collections" field on the Atrium banner. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked. See Chapter II-2, Searching the Collections for a Term, a Partial Word or Collection Number for more detailed information on the capabilities of this search.

Collector: The "Collector" drop-down list shows all collectors for which there are collections in the system. Select a collector if you want the results narrowed to a single collector. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.

From/To Collection Dates: The "Collection Date From" field eliminates all collections made before the date set here using the calendar control. You may type a date using the YYYY-MM-DD (four digit year, dash, numeric month, dash, numeric day of month) format instead of using the control if you wish. Dates in any other format causes the search to return no collections. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.

The "Collection Date To" field eliminates all collections made after the date set here using the calendar control. You may type a date using the YYYY-MM-DD (four digit year, dash, numeric month, dash, numeric day of month) format instead of using the control if you wish. Dates in any other format causes the search to return no collections. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.

Species Name: The Family, Genus, Specific Epithet and Infra Specific Taxa fields can be used together to identify the exact collections desired. All the families in the general taxonomic structure are listed. However, only genera, specific epithet and infra-specific taxa values with collections are included in those drop-down lists. Selecting an entry from the family drop-down list regenerates the genus drop-down list to include only those genera in the selected family. Please wait while the genus drop-down list is being generated, as anything typed or clicked during this process is erased or ignored. The process has completed when the length of the genus drop-down list changes and the "busy" emblem for your browser disappears.

If the genus drop-down list gets very short, that is a sign that there are no collections for the family selected:

Similarly, when an entry in the genus drop-down list is selected, the specific epithet drop-down list is regenerated to include only those in the genus selected. The same wait is necessary, and the change in the length of the specific epithet drop-down list signifies the end of the process.

The infra-specific taxa drop-down list is regenerated when an entry in the specific epithet drop-down list is selected. If there are no infra-specific taxa for the specific epithet, the drop-down list shows only one value: "No infraspecific taxa found".

The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.

For Family, Genus, Specific Epithet and Infra Specific Taxa, you may enter part or all of the name you are searching for in the data entry fields under the title "Enter Name Here." These fields are provided to search quickly for a known famil/genus/specific epithet without waiting for the drop-down lists to be regenerated. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked. The values entered in the fields to the right are ignored if a value is selected from the list.

If you choose an entry from the specific epithet drop-down list, the selected name is listed next to "Species Name" above the family list.

Project: The "Project" list shows all projects defined in Atrium. Select a project if you want the results narrowed to a particular project. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.

Country: The "Country" list shows all countries defined in Atrium. Select a country if you want the results narrowed to a particular country. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.

Region: The "Region" list shows all regions defined in Atrium. Select a region if you want the results narrowed to a particular region. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.

Return only results with images: The "Return only results with images" check box, if clicked to show a check mark, eliminates collections without at least one image tied to it. This may be useful when selecting collections to make up a field guide. The search begins when the "Search" button is clicked.


  1. Select

    Advanced Search

    from the Digital Herbarium navigation bar.

  2. Enter a term or partial name in Search Text if desired.

  3. Select an entry in the Collector drop-down list if desired.

  4. Use the calendar control to set a starting Collection Date if desired.

  5. Use the calendar control to set an ending Collection Date if desired.

  6. Select a value from the family drop-down list if desired. Wait for the browser busy indicator to disappear. If the family you are looking for is not in the drop-down list, reset the list to "all." OR Type the family name in the field to the right of the family list.

  7. Select a value from the genus drop-down list if desired. Wait for the browser busy indicator to disappear. If the genus you are looking for is not in the drop-down list, reset the list to "all." OR Type the genus name in the field to the right of the genus list.

  8. Select a value from the specific epithet drop-down the list if desired. Wait for the browser busy indicator to disappear. If the specific epithet you are looking for is not in the drop-down list, reset the list to "all." OR Type the specific epithet name in the field to the right of the specific epithet list.

  9. Select a value from the infra specific taxa drop-down list if desired. If the infra specific taxa you are looking for is not in the list, reset the list to "all." OR Type the infra-specific taxa name in the field to the right of the infra specific taxa list.

  10. Select a project if desired.

  11. Select a country if desired.

  12. Select a region if desired.

  13. Check the check box if only collections with images are wanted in the results.

  14. Click the "Search" button.

The results of the search are displayed in the Search Results display.

The title of the Search Results reflects the values used to generate the results. For more information about the Search Results display, see Chapter III-13, Search Results


To return to the Advanced Search panel, click:

Using this method to return to the Advanced Search panel preserves the search values as set to get to the Search Results. If you select "Advanced Search" from the Digital Herbarium navigation bar, the Advanced Search fields are reset to the original blank or "all" values.