Life-history parameters and new host records of phorid (Diptera, Phoridae) parasitoids of fireflies (Coleoptera, Lampyridae)
Coleopterists Bulletin
Journal Article
Pakitza Parque Nacional del Manu animals invertebrates arthropods insects flies Diptera Phoridae parasites parasitism animal behavior ecology beetles Coleoptera Lampyridae Madre de Dios Bibliography
Newly recorded lampyrid hosts of the Nearctic and Neotropical Region phorid Apocephalus antennatus Malloch are a species of the Ellychnia corrusca (L.) complex, Lucidota atra (Oliver), Photinus marginellus LeConte, and P. pyralis (L.). Records of Ellychnia sp. and L. atra are the first for non-luminescent hosts. Larvae of A. antennatus feed, leave the host and pupariate within 3-5 days of collection, and adults emerge 13-20 days later. The Neotropical Region phorid A. insulanus Borgmeier was reared from Photinus sp. in Peru, and has a similar life history.