Record Details

Trivedi, M. R.;Cornejo, F. H.;Watkinson, A. R.
Seed predation on Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) by macaws (Psittacidae) in Madre de Dios, Peru
Journal Article
Bertholletia excelsa trees castaƱa Brazil nut sustainable use of natural resources Ara Lecythidaceae macaws Psittacidae seed predation concessions non-timber forest products recommendations Reserva Nacional Tambopata animals birds plant-animal interactions Madre de Dios Bibliography
We investigated the impact of seed predation by large macaws (Ara spp.) on Brazil nut, the seed of Bertholletia excelsa (Lecythidaceae). Counts of macaw-damaged fruit below 50 focal trees in a Peruvian Brazil nut harvesting concession indicated that macaws destroyed about 10 percent of the concession's crop. We compared this impact to other sources of variation in profits from harvesting and suggest methods to compensate harvesters while encouraging them to conserve macaws in their concessions.