
Bryum apiculatum Schwägrichen

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Species Parent: Bryum Status: Valid

Morphological Description

Diagnosis: Plants small to medium-sized, in loose tufts to 3 cm high; rhizoids moderately developed at base. Leaves 1-2 mm long, erect to erect-spreading and well spaced below, erect-imbricate and crowded at apex, ovate-lanceolate; apices broadly acute; margins erect below, plane above, not bordered, entire to weakly serrulate above; costa shortly excurrent in a small apiculus; upper cells linear-fusiform, basal cells long rectangular, alar cells quadrate. Leaf axils occasionally with small brown to reddish, globose gemmae. Setae 15-25 mm long, red; capsules 1.5-2.5 mm long, red, oblong-cylindrical, inclined to pendent, operculum conic; exostome teeth orange below, yellow above, densely papillose, endostome yellowish-hyaline, lightly papillose. Spores lightly roughened, 12-16 µm diamter.


Distribution: pantropical

Ecology: Wet lowland to open or wooded montane forest, on rock, brick, bark, rotting wood, sandy soil, along streams and waterfalls, 0-1700 m.

Chromosome Number: 10

Notes: Crum and Anderson. The epithet apparently refers to the small point at the end of the leaves. The plants are often sterile but are easily recognized by the contrast of red stems and shiny, yellowish, short-pointed leaves which are concave and have erect, unbordered margins.


Type Citation: Species Muscorum Frondosorum, Supplementum Primum 2: 102. pl. 72. 1816.

Type Locality: The original collection was probably made in South America by Richard. Crum & Anderson. 1981. pg. 534.

Other Published Figures: Sharp et al. 1994, Moss Flora of Mexico, fig. 355; H. Crum & L. Anderson, 1981. Moss of Eastern North America. fig. 245F-L;