Trematodon Michaux
Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Bruchiaceae Status: Valid
Morphological Description
Diagnosis: Plants small, gregarious to loosely tufted, light-green or yellowish. Leaves ± contorted when dry, oblong-ovate and clasping at base, gradually to abruptly narrowed to a lanceolate or subulate point; costa subpercurrent to excurrent; cells small, obscure, smooth, subquadrate to short-rectangular, longer at the base. Setae elongate, straight or flexuose, yellow; capsules erect or curved, cylindric with a narrow neck as long as or longer than the urn, often strumose at the base; annulus simple or compound; operculum slenderly and obliquely long-rostrate; peristome lacking or single, with 16 undivided, perforate or forked teeth. Spores ± polygonal or reniform. Calyptra cucullate.