
Anthurium Schott

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Araceae Status: Valid

Vegetative Morphology

Habit: Epiphytic and terrestrial herbs, sometimes lianas.

Leaves: Leaves simple, alternate, lanceolate, and entire, but sometimes cordate, lobed, or divided into multiple segments. The genus can often be recognized by the presence of anastomosing venation, with a marginal collecting vein.

Reproductive Morphology

Flowers: Spadix erect or pendent, sometimes very large up to 90 cm.

Fruit: Fruits solitary in groups on the spadix, of various colors when mature, often red. Seeds 1-3 per fruit.


Uses: Many species cultivated as ornamental plants.

Distribution: Southern Mexico and Central America, Trinidad-Tobago, to Bolivia and Peru.

Ecology: Many species with a mass of roots hanging below the plant, and often associated with ant gardens.