
Duguetia A. St. Hil.

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Annonaceae Status: Valid

Vegetative Morphology

Habit: Trees to 8 m or shrubs.

Leaves: Leaves with stellate hairs or conspicuous scales.

Reproductive Morphology

Inflorescence: Some species produce flagellate inflorescences at the base of the trunk, extending themselves to a meter or more, with flowers and fruits that develop under the leaf litter of the forest floor.

Fruit: Fruit pseudosyncarpous, with numerous apiculate carpels held closely together but not fused, to 4 cm diameter, brown and loosely separated when mature.

Infructescence: Infructescence usually ramiflorous, sometimes cauliflorous.

Seeds: One seed per carpel, the endosperm weakly ruminate.


Distribution: Brazil, Peru, and Suriname.