
Anaxagorea A. St.-Hil.

Representative Image
Representative image.

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Annonaceae Status: Valid

Vegetative Morphology

Habit: Shrubs and trees to 12 m.

Leaves: Leaves with characteristic tomentose pubescence, the hairs simple to stellate, and anastomosing venation most conspicuous on the abaxial laminar surface. Such characteristics can vary between individuals.

Reproductive Morphology

Fruit: The fruit and seed very different from the rest of the family. The fruit apocarpous, with up to 30 monocarps that are elongated, weakly curved, to 3 cm long, shortly stipate and dehiscent, yellow-reddish when mature.

Infructescence: Infructescence axillary or ramiflorous.

Seeds: The seeds 1-2 per monocarp, very distinct in color, brilliance, texture, and form.


Distribution: Costa Rica to Peru, also in the Old World tropics.