
Anthurium clavigerum Poeppig

Representative Image
Representative image.

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Species Parent: Anthurium Status: Valid

Taxonomic Classification

Classification: This species belongs to Section Dactylophyllum

Vegetative Morphology

Habit: Hemiepiphytic

Main axis: stems dark green, drying reddish brown

Branch: none

Leaves: erect spreading; petioles 51.3–66 cm de largo, weakly sulcate, green, drying dark reddish brown; sheath 11.6–13.9 cm long; geniculum 3.5 cm long; blade 65 cm wide aprox, 9 leaflets, 42.6–43.5cm long, margins lobate, acuminate to the apex, acute to base, both surfaces glossy; midvein convex in both surfaces; primary lateral veins 4–7 per side, raised en both surfaces, conspicuous below, drying reddish brown in the abaxial surface, arising in 40–60º(70º) with the midvein, straight to slightly recurved to apex.

Stipules: cataphylls coriaceous, reddish brown, caducous or persisiting as short fibers

Exudate: none

Reproductive Morphology

Inflorescence: recurvated pendent; spathe coriaceous, purple violet, lanceolate, spadix light purple

Flowers: flowers rhombic; tepals mate

Pistillate Flowers: pistils narrowly obpyriform; stigma lineal

Staminate Flowers: stamens with flattened filaments; anthers 2.


Distribution: This is a widespread species, A gracile ranges from Central America to Peru and Bolivia in South America.


Type Citation: Nova Genera ac Species Plantarum 3: 84. 1845.

Type Locality: Peru, Huanuco, Cuchero

Type Collection: Poeppig s.n.

Types Deposited at: Holotype: Poeppig 1423 (W)