Family: Connaraceae

Representative Image
Representative image.

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Family Parent: Oxalidales Status: Valid

Common Names:

  • Connaraceae - English, United States of America

Vegetative Morphology

Habit: Lianas, shrubs, or small trees.

Leaves: Leaves imparipinnately compound, alternate.

Reproductive Morphology

Inflorescence: Inflorescence cauliflorous or terminal, a panicle or raceme.

Flowers: Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic; sepals 5; petals 5; stamens 10, fused at base; ovary superior, carpels 1 or 2-5 and free, placentation basal.

Fruit: Fruit a follicle, 1 or 5 per flower.

Seeds: Seeds one per follicle, arillate, the aril covering basal half.


Notes: Plants sometimes pubescent, the hairs simple or dendritic.