

Representative Image
Representative image.

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Orchidaceae Status: Valid

Morphological Description

Diagnosis: Species of Pelexia are very similar to those of Sarcoglottis, bearing mostly green flowers typically with pubescent flowers and inflorescences. In Pelexia a short stubby external spur is visible in contrast to the spur of Sarcoglottis which is wholly internal. The only somewhat similar flower in the flora is Sacoila which has reddish smooth flowers and typically flowers without leaves present.

1 Lip 3-lobed. ..................................... P. saltensis
1’ Lip unlobed. ................................... P. weberbaueri

Vegetative Morphology

Habit: Rosulate terrestrials. Roots fleshy, fasciculate.

Leaves: Leaves few, erect, long-petiolate.

Reproductive Morphology

Inflorescence: Inflorescences erect, long-scapose, few to many-flowered, laxly to densely-flowered racemes.

Flowers: Flowers usually green to brownish green. Sepals and petals free, the dorsal sepal and petals appressed forming a hood, the lateral sepals often strongly reflexed. Lip three-lobed, auriculate, the lateral lobes erect-incurved, the base extended in a spur fused to the ovary. Column stout, with a foot fused to the ovary, the stigmas two, the rostellum linear-oblong to strap-shaped; pollinia 2, grooved, on a common viscidium.