
Callicostella (Müll. Hal.) Mitten

Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Pilotrichaceae Status: Valid

Morphological Description

Diagnosis: Plants small to medium-sized, in pale green to golden, extensive, flat mats; stems creeping to freely but irregularly branched, complante-foliate. Leaves often contorted when dry, densely to laxly foliate, lateral and dorsal leaves differentiated from ventral leaves, leaves mostly oblong to oblong-ovate, gradually acuminate to more often broadly rounded to truncate and apiculate, ± asymmetric; margins serrulate to coarsely serrate above, rarely subentire to crenulate, plane, not or obscurely bordered; costa double, often ending near leaf apex with apices connivent, often toothed, especially at the apex; cells short, mostly 1-2:1, unipapillose, weakly prorulose or smooth, thin- to thick-walled, porose or not. Setae elongate, short to very long, smooth throughout to roughened above, reddish, flexuose; capsules mostly inclined to pendent, rarely erect, ovoid to cylindric, usually with a well defined neck; exostome teeth reddish, cross striolate below, coarsely papillose above; endostome with a medium-high basal membrane, segmets papillose and/or spiculose. Calyptra naked or with a few hairs.