Kingdom: Plantae Rank: Genus Parent: Orchidaceae Status: Valid
Morphological Description
Distinguished by the fan-shaped growths, scapes, and lips with very conspicuous, transverse, many keeled fleshy-rigid callus as wide as the lip.
1 Miniature plants less than 15 cm tall, with a small
pseudobulb (often obscured by leaf bases). ............... ......................... C. surinamensis
1’ Plants larger, more than 20 cm tall, without any
pseudobulb present. ................................... 2
2 Flowers variously colored, the sepals and petals greenish yellow suffused or striped with pruple, the lip white with varying purple and(or) yellow suffusion. .......................................... C. heteroclita
2’ Flowers white. ............................ C. klugii
Vegetative Morphology
Habit: Epiphytes +/- pseudobulbs, forming fan-shaped plants.
Leaves: Leaves several, alternate, distichous, oblanceolate, petiolate.
Reproductive Morphology
Inflorescence: Inflorescences axillary scapes, erect to laxly arching.
Flowers: Flowers fleshy. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal. Lip unlobed or obscurely three-lobed usually by lateral extension of the callus, clawed, the callus transverse, divided into numerous teeth or keels. Column stout, with a foot and conspicuous wings at the middle or below the apex; pollinia 4, sessile on a broad common viscidium.