Weather Station Details
Mesada | |
Data from an automatic weather station at Mesada. | |
The station is located on a ridge dividing the watersheds of the Chuyuchucha and the Quincuyacu rivers. The station is setup inside a fenced area of 21 x 12 m. The sensors, the data logger and the battery are mounted on a 10 m tall tower with a lightning protector (Franklin). There are two earth grounds with 3/4 inch cobber cables installed, one for the lightning protector and one for the data logger. | |
Amazónicos por la Amazonía | |
César F. Flores ( |
Campbell Scientific, Inc. | |
Peru | |
San Martín | |
-7.11849 | |
-77.6555 | |
3980 | |
11 Dec 2009 | |
11-Dec-2009 - 01-Jan-2011 | |
5 min | |
Vaisala HMP45C Temperature and RH probe | |
Hidrological Services TB4 Rain gauge Resolución y | |
Vaisala HMP45C Temperature and RH probe | |
R.M. Young 05103 Wind Monitor Rango |