Chapter IV-1. List Your Workspaces

(version 1.5)

To view your workspaces, select "Workspace" on the main navigation bar. The list of workspaces you have created in the past opens. From this list you can modify the name or description of a workspace, delete an existing workspace, or create a new workspace. Click the number of collections, images or bibliographic entries for a workspace to open the Workspace display to the appropriate tab. See Chapter IV-6, Display a Workspace for more information.


  1. Click Login on the Atrium main navigation bar to log into Atrium. Type your password and click the "Login" button.

  2. Select


    from the main navigation bar.

The list of your workspaces opens.

Figure IV-1.1. List Workspaces

List Workspaces

Click "edit" to modify the data about the workspace. See Chapter IV-7, Edit a Workspace for more information.

Click "delete" to remove a workspace from your list. See Chapter IV-8, Delete a Workspace for more information.

Click the workspace name to open the workspace information. See Chapter IV-6, Display a Workspace for more information.

Click the number of images to go to the Images tab of the Workspace display. See Figure IV-6.1, “Workspace: Images tab” for more information.

Click the number of collections to go to the Collections tab of the Workspace display. See Figure IV-6.2, “Workspace: Collections tab” for more information.

Click the number of references to go to the Literature tab of the Workspace display. See Figure IV-6.3, “Workspace: Literature tab” for more information.

Click "Add a New Workspace" to create a new workspace. See Chapter IV-2, Create a Workspace for more information.