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6 collections found. 6 collections shown.

Details Collector Coll. # Family Genus Specific epithet Infra epithet Images Country Region Project Date Habit Habitat
Details J. L. Clark 11624 Polygalaceae GenIndet sp. 2 Peru Cusco Flora o... 26 May 2010
Details J. L. Clark 11357 Polygalaceae GenIndet sp. 3 Peru Cusco Flora o... 12 May 2010
Details J. P. Janovec 3674 Polygalaceae GenIndet SpIndet 5 Peru Cusco Flora o... 15 Jul 2008
Details J. E. Householder 2628 Polygalaceae GenIndet sp.jeh2628 3 Brazil Roraima Aguajal... 5 Apr 2013 Shrub Campina
Details B. R. Chambi 1029 Polygalaceae GenIndet sp. 5 Peru Cusco Flora o... 25 Apr 2008
Details J. D. Wells 856 Polygalaceae GenIndet SpIndet 6 Peru Cusco Flora o... 23 Apr 2011
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