Collection Details
Species: GenIndet sp.jeh2314
Collection Date: 27 November 2012
Determined By: J. E. Householder
Determination Date: 22 December 2013
Institution: INPA
Continent: South America
Country: Brazil
Region: Amazonas
Subregion: Presidente Figueiredo
Closest Town: Presidente Figueiredo
Locality Description: Rio Uatumã near the Balbina water reservoir. On the road towards the ATTO climate research station site.
DD Latitude: -2.18394
DD Longitude: -59.0193
Coordinate uncertainty: 1000 m
Min. Elevation: 35 m
Habitat Description: White sand heath forest (campina) along a hydrological gradient. Sheet flooding common in the rainy season due to a flucturating water table that reaches the surface. Wettest areas are dominated by Mauritia carana.
Soil Description: Deep white sands with some organic build up in the wettest areas.
Habitat: Campina
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Shrub to 1.5 meters.
Habit: Shrub
Other Data
Research Site: Uatumã campina
Project: Aguajal Project