Collection Details
Species: Scleria sp.jeh1335
Collection Date: 5 March 2013
Determined By: J. E. Householder
Determination Date: 15 October 2013
Institution: INPA
Continent: South America
Country: Brazil
Region: Amazonas
Subregion: Barcelos
Closest Town: Barcelos
Locality Description: Rio Aracá, northern tributary of Rio Negro.
DD Latitude: -0.08581
DD Longitude: -63.4118
Coordinate uncertainty: 1000 m
Min. Elevation: 30 m
Habitat Description: Headwaters region along igarapé (channel) dominated by Mauritia flexuosa. The channel drains a large flooded savana region about 4km upstream. Hydrology ranges from moderately flowing stream channel to stagnant pool with ~50cm of standing water. Water black, free of sediment.
Soil Description: Substrate composed of two to three meters of root mass, mainly comprised of dead Mauritia flexuosa root. Underlain by very fine, white sand that covers entire region.
Habitat: Aguajal
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Herb to 50cm. Leaves with bluish tinge.
Habit: Herb
Other Data
Research Site: Rio Aracá
Project: Aguajal Project