Collection Details
Species: Phoradendron rusbyi Britton
Collection Date: 18 April 2008
Determined By: J. Kuijt
Determination Date: 15 May 2012
Institution: UVIC
Continent: South America
Country: Peru
Region: Cusco
Subregion: Quispicanchis Province
Closest Town: Cusco
Locality Description: Propieda privada o Bosques de Produccion Permanente del Estado. Camanti esta ubicado en un valle, rodeado por montañas boscosas que alcanzan aproximadamente hasta los 800 m. de altura.
DD Latitude: -13.2453
DD Longitude: -70.7841
Elevation: 600-1700 m
Habitat Description: Bosque primario con montañas, fuerte intervencion antropica. Dosel muy abierto, generalmente existen arboles < 30 cm de DAP. Sotobosque denso, drenaje deficiente y una red de pequeñas quebradas.
Soil Description: Suelos limosos hasta arcillos, con drenaje deficiente y buenos, en la cual presenta charcos de agua y pequeñas quebradas. Constantemente estan humedos por las lluvias de la zona.
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Planta parasita ubicado a 15 metros de altura, sobre un arbol de 25 metros de altura. Inflorescencia axilar y caulinares. Updated note from Dr. Job Kuijt, May 15, 2012: "I don't know how I missed that one, but it is by far the most interesting of that set. It is Phoradendron rusbyi Britton, a hyperparasite on other mistletoes. Did you note the primary host? The curious thing is that Britton (1900) described it as the inflorescence of Phoradendron crassifolium, not realizing it was a hyperparasite on that species. Your collection represents only the third known collection of the species! Very exciting. The type is from Bolivia (La Paz), and the only other collection until yours was from Cajamarca: Santa Rosa, Woytkowski 5740b, at the Smithsonian (US). Your plant is splendid!"
Other Data
Research Site: Quincemil
Project: Flora of Camanti-Marcapata