Collection Details
Species: Conceveiba terminalis (Baillon) Muell. Arg.
Collection Date: 20 April 1987
Determined By: N. Davila
Determination Date: 1 January 2006
Institution: unknown
Continent: South America
Country: Peru
Region: Loreto
Subregion: Requena
Locality Description: Basin of rio Ucayali, Centro de Investigaciones Jenaro Herrera, north of Arboretum, terra firme moist forest, slightly disturbed, 04º 55' S, 73º 45' W.
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Tree 8 m, with twisted trunk, flowers pale green, flowers glossy adaxially.
Other Data
Project: Herbario Herrense - IIAP
Basis of Specimen: Preserved specimen