Collection Details
Species: Rhytidophyllum minus Urb.
Collection Date: 8 August 2008
Determined By: unknown
Determination Date: unknown
Institution: unknown
Country: Cuba
Region: Granma
Locality Description: Parque Nacional Desembarco del Granma. Park entrance near Alegría de Pío. Sendero Arqueológico Fustete del Morlote. Terraced limestone cliffs facing ocean.
Elevation: 100-200 m
Habitat Description: Bosque semicaducifolio (semideciduous) - matoral xeromorfo costero
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Erect subshrub growing in crevices of limestone cliff (absent from flat areas). Leaves terminally clustered (rarely evenly spaced). Fruit a 2 or 3 valved capsule. Calyx greenish-yellow. Corolla yellowish-green on outside; corolla throat usually with red spotting and occasionally uniformly yellowish-green. Stamens fused to base of corolla; trichomes abundant at base of free part of stamen. Nectary gland circular. Photographs of this collection are with John L. Clark (UNA).
Other Data
Project: Neotropical Gesneriaceae