Collection Details
Species: Diastema affine Fritsch
Collection Date: 8 November 1995
Determined By: L. E. Skog
Determination Date: unknown
Institution: US
Country: Ecuador
Region: Cañar
Subregion: La Troncal
Locality Description: Manta Real
DD Latitude: -2.5667
DD Longitude: -79.35
Min. Elevation: 350 m
Habitat Description: Tropical wet forest, mixture of mature forest, cocoa plantation, and cow pasture; growing on steep slope along trail
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Low creeping herb along muddy trail; stem succulent and red; leaves bullate; corolla mostly white, with purple dots at apex of each lobe; fused for bottom two-thirds
Other Data
Project: Neotropical Gesneriaceae