Collection Details
Species: Diastema racemiferum
Collection Date: 12 April 1996
Determined By: L. E. Skog
Determination Date: unknown
Institution: US
Country: Ecuador
Region: Azuay
Subregion: Cuenca
Locality Description: Bosque Protector Molleturo Mullopungo; along main road near the village, Mantareal and forest ca. 2 km E
DD Latitude: -2.55
DD Longitude: -79.4833
Elevation: 250-300 m
Habitat Description: Tropical wet forest; growing in shady mature forest
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Terrestrial herb; corolla tubular, tube yellow, lobes white with purple patches in the center of each lobe
Other Data
Project: Neotropical Gesneriaceae