Collection Details
Species: Paradrymonia fuquaiana Wiehler
Collection Date: 6 May 2003
Determined By: J. L. Clark
Determination Date: 30 November 2002
Institution: US
Country: Ecuador
Region: Pastaza
Subregion: Mera
Locality Description: Parroquia: Shell. Road to Río Anzu and beyond (South of the town Mera).
DD Latitude: -1.4292
DD Longitude: -78.0875
Elevation: 1450-1550 m
Habitat Description: Premontane wet forest
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Terrestrial herb with elongate erect stems, 10-20 cm tall. Sometimes epiphytic. Leaves in a basal rosette. Abaxial leaf surface green (Note: J.L. Clark # 7761 with abaxial leaf surface red). Calyx light green. Corolla tubular; mostly white with purple striations and spots on throat and lobes; lower section of mouth yellow. Photographs of this collection are in the Gesneriaceae photo file (US).
Other Data
Project: Neotropical Gesneriaceae