Collection Details

Species: Glossoloma ichthyoderma (Hanst.) J.L. Clark

Gesneriaceae Glossoloma ichthyoderma (Hanst.) J.L. Clark
J. L. Clark 8703

Collection Date: 8 August 2003
Determined By: J. L. Clark
Determination Date: 30 November 2002
Institution: US


Country: Panama

Region: Chiriquí

Subregion: Boquete

Locality Description: Parque Internacional La Amistad. SE slopes and summit of Cerro Pate Macho, trail from Rio Palo Alto, 4 km NE of Boquete.

DD Latitude: 8.8281

DD Longitude: -82.3892

Elevation: 1300-1600 m

Botanical Data

Plant Notes: Terrestrial herb, 40-60 cm tall. Occasionally epiphytic. Calyx green. Immature fruit cone-shaped; translucent fleshy capsule.

Other Data

Project: Neotropical Gesneriaceae