Collection Details
Subspecies: Gasteranthus calcaratus ssp. oncogastrus (Hanst.) L.E. Skog & L.P. Kvist
Collection Date: 2 February 2001
Determined By: J. L. Clark
Determination Date: 30 November 2000
Institution: US
Country: Ecuador
Region: Cañar
Locality Description: Bosque Protector Molleturo Mullopungo. Forest near village of Manta Real. Note: Provincially, Manta Real is locally reported as belonging in "Zona no limitada," provincia de Azuay, or provincia de Cañar.
DD Latitude: -2.55
DD Longitude: -79.35
Min. Elevation: 250 m
Habitat Description: Tropical wet forest.
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Terrestrial herb, 50-80 cm tall. Roots fibrous. Stem slender. Corolla orange and hypocyrtoid.Note: Clark #6208 & 6207 grow sympatrically, but 6207 differs in having smaller leaves and a slender/semi-woody stem. Photographs of this collection are in the Gesneriaceae photo file (US).
Other Data
Project: Neotropical Gesneriaceae