Collection Details
Species: Hasseltia floribunda H.B.K.
Collection Date: 15 October 2008
Determined By: J.E. Householder
Determination Date: 15 October 2008
Institution: BRIT
Continent: South America
Country: Peru
Region: Madre de Díos
Subregion: Tambopata
Closest Town: Puerto Maldonado
Locality Description: Careterra Cusco Km 37.5 - Comunidad Mercedes. One km behind 'chacra' of Efrain Quispe.
Locality Site Specific: One km behind 'chacra' of Efrain Quispe.
DD Latitude: -12.7053
DD Longitude: -69.4729
Coordinate uncertainty: 1000 m
Elevation: 200-250 m
Habitat Description: Terrace escarpment with steep slopes. Previously logged, thin forest buffer about 400m wide between 10-yr old 'purma' and swamp habitat.
Soil Description: Soils clayey, reddish, well drained.
Habitat: Terra Firme Forest
Botanical Data
Plant Notes: Tree. Morphospecies name: Hasseltia 1.
Min. Height: 4 m
Min. DBH: 3 cm
Habit: Tree
Other Data
Project: Flora of Madre de Dios
Basis of Specimen: Preserved specimen