Bibliographic Search

The Andes-Amazon Bibliographic Search Engine is a virtual library of documents related to the world's most diverse bioregion. At present the search engine provides access to over 2,000 bibliographic references of books, articles, theses, reports and other documents. Users who register with ATRIUM (see login link above) have access to special features, such as the ability to store search results and add new references.

As of October 2005, the search engine contains:

Everything ever written about the biology and conservation of the Peruvian department of Madre de Dios. This list of 2,225 references dating from 1567 to 2005 was compiled by the Amazon Conservation Association.

A full copy of the bibliography, including an introduction explaining how it was compiled, can be downloaded as a .doc file.

You may also download an XML file for import into EndNote.

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