Record Details

Wild, E. R.
Description of the adult skeleton and developmental osteology of the hyperossified horned frog, Ceratophrys comuta (Anura: Leptodactylidae)
Journal of Morphology
Journal Article
Chondrocranium metamorphosis ossification evolution sequence ontogeny animals amphibians frogs Ceratophrys cornuta Anura Leptodactylidae anurans morphology single-species study Cusco Amazónico Madre de Dios Bibliography
The adult skeleton and tadpole chondrocranium of the leptodactylid frog, Ceratophrys cornuta (Ceratophryinae), are described in detail, including the ontogenetic development of the chondrocranium and the ossification sequence of the skeleton. The chondrocranium of the carnivorous larvae is unique in lacking a frontoparietal fontanelle and possessing a complete dorsal roof of cartilage. Furthermore, the chondrocranium is extremely robust, particularly those elements involved in the feeding mechanism; these include large palatoquadrate cartilages, stout Meckel's, supra-, and infrarostral cartilages, and short, wide, cornua trabeculae. The chondrocranium of C. cornuta resembles that described for Ceratophrys cranwelli, but differs from the chondrocrania reported for the species of Lepidobatrachus. The large adult skull is hyperossified; most elements are fused into a single unit, and nearly all dermal elements are ornamented, casqued, and co-ossified. Calcification is present in nearly every cartilaginous element of the skeleton in larger (older) adults. Several osteological characters previously used in ceratophryine systematics, such as the otic ramus of the squamosal and the columella, are reassessed. Contrary to previous reports, the ossified, dorsal dermal shield above the vertebral column in many ceratophryine anurans is absent in C. cornuta. With few exceptions, the ossification sequence relative to metamorphosis is consistent with those that are known for other anurans. The squamosal arises fi om three distinct centers of ossification, including an otic element. The frontoparietal arises from two centers of ossification that fuse early in development. A robust postorbital arch is formed primarily by the otic flange of the frontoparietal, which articulates laterally with the medial border of the otic ramus of the squamosal. Changes in the timing of development, or heterochrony, are involved with the evolution of the unusual skull and skeleton of ceratophryine frogs. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.