Search Results

2414 records found. 50 records shown.

Author Year Title Document
Ríos, M. A. 1986 Reporte Manu
Ríos, M. 1983 Plan maestro: Parque Nacional del Manu
Ríos, S. 2003 Riqueza y abundancia de insectos asociados a Heliconia stricta en relación a la posición de la bráctea
Rivas Cavero, I. 1995 Localización de grupos de primates en los alrededores del Explorer´s Inn
Rivera L., D. 2000 Impactos ambientales de una concesión minera aurífera aluvial mecanizada en la cuenca del río Kaichihue, Provincia de Manu, Departamento de Madre de Dios, Perú
Robbins, M. B. 1983 The display repertoire of the Band-tailed Manakin (Pipra fasciicauda)
Robbins, M. B. 1985 Social organization of the Band-tailed Manakin (Pipra fasciicauda)
Robbins, R. K. 1992 Comparison of butterfly diversity in the Neotropical and Oriental regions
Robbins, R. K. 1997 Taxonomic composition and ecological structure of the species-rich butterfly community at Pakitza, Parque Nacional del Manu, Peru
Roberts, J. L. 2007 Rapid diversification of colouration among populations of a poison frog isolated on sky peninsulas in the central cordilleras of Peru
Roberts, J. L. 2006 Phylogenetic relationships among poison frogs of the genus Dendrobates (Dendrobatidae): A molecular perspective from increased taxon sampling
Roberts, J. L. 2006 Genetic divergence and speciation in lowland and montane peruvian poison frogs
Robinson, S. K. 1984 Social behavior and sexual selection in a neotropical oriole
Robinson, S. K. 1985 Fighting and assessment in the Yellow-rumped Cacique (Cacicus cela)
Robinson, S. K. 1985 Coloniality in the Yellow-rumped Cacique as a defense against nest predators
Robinson, S. K. 1988 Foraging ecology and host relationships of giant cowbirds in southeastern Peru
Robinson, S. K. 1988 Anti-social and social behavior of adolescent Yellow-rumped Caciques (Icterinae, Cacicus cela)
Robinson, S. K. 1994 Use of bait and lures by Green-backed Herons in Amazonian Peru
Robinson, S. K. 1995 Distribution and habitat use of neotropical migrant landbirds in the Amazon basin and Andes
Robinson, S. K. 1982 Foraging behavior of forest birds: The relationships among search tactics, diet, and habitat structure
Robinson, S. K. 1984 Effects of plant species and foliage structure on the foraging behavior of forest birds
Robinson, S. K. 1995 Interspecific aggression and habitat selection by Amazonian birds
Robinson, S. K. 1989 Conserving tropical raptors and game birds
Robinson, S.K. 1986 Social security for birds: The high cost of escaping nest predators
Robinson, S.K. 1986 Three-speed foraging during the breeding cycle of the Yellow-rumped Cacique (Icterinae: Cacicus cela)
Robinson, S.K. 1986 Competitive and mutualistic interactions among females in a Neotropical oriole
Robinson, S.K. 1986 Benefits, costs, and determinants of dominance in a polygynous Neotropical oriole
Robinson, S.K. 1985 The Yellow-rumped Cacique and its associated nest pirates
Robinson, S.K. 1987 Capuchins, squirrel monkeys, and atelines: Socioecological convergence with old world monkeys
Robinson, S.K. 1997 Birds of a Peruvian oxbow lake: Populations, resources, predation, and social behavior
Robinson, S.K. 1986 Efecto de los predatores de nidos en la ecología de los paucares
Robinson, S.K. 1986 The evolution of social behavior and mating systems in the blackbirds (Icterinae)
Robinson, S.K. 1988 Habitat selection and relative abundance of migrants in southeastern Peru
Robinson, S.K. 1990 Lowland tropical forest bird communities of a site in western Amazonia
Robinson, S.K. 1997 Bird community dynamics along primary successional gradients of an Amazonian whitewater river
Robinson, Scott K. 1994 Habitat selection and foraging ecology of raptors in Amazonian Peru
Robinson, Scott K. 1990 Bird communities of the Cocha Cashu Biological Station in Amazonian Peru
Robinson, W. Douglas 2000 Forest bird community structure in central Panama: Influence of spatial scale and biogeography
Robledo, L. 1898 Hoya del rio Madre de Dios: Conferencias
Robledo, Luis María 1899 Misión viellerobe en la zona alta de la hoya del Amazonas
Robledo, Luis María 1900 El valle de Marcapata y la hoya fluvial del Madre de Dios
Rockwood, L. L. 1985 Seed weight as a function of life form, elevation and life zone in Neotropical forests
Rodan, B. D. 2003 Can sustainable mahogany stem from CITES science?
Rodrigues, Ilea Brandao 1999 Larvicidal activity of Bacillus sphaericus 2362 against Anopheles nuneztovari, Anopheles darlingi and Anopheles braziliensis (Diptera, Culicidae)
Rodríguez Achung, F. 1995 El recurso suelo en la Amazonía peruana, diagnóstico para su investigación (segunda aproximación)
Rodríguez B., G. 2004 Evaluación de orquídeas en el área de influencia de los puestos de control del Parque Nacional Bahuaja Sonene y Reserva Nacional Tambopata, Madre de Dios
Rodríguez Baca, G. 2002 Asistencia en la complementación del expediente técnico preliminar del Rodal Tahuamanu en el departamento de Madre de Dios
Rodríguez Baca, G. 2003 Informe de investigación: Evaluación de orquideas en las áreas de influencia de cuatro puestos de control del Parque Nacional Bahuaja Sonene y de la Reserva Nacional Tambopata
Rodríguez Baca, G. 2004 Evaluación de orquídeas asociadas con los diferentes tipos de bosques en cuatro zonas del Parque Nacional Bahuaja Sonene y de la Reserva Nacional Tambopata, Madre de Dios
Rodríguez Gamarra, J. J. 2003 Comparaciones florísticas y faunísticas entre diferentes lugares de bosques de tierra firme en la selva baja de la Amazonía peruana